Couples, Money & Retirement: Ameriprise study

Couples, Money & Retirement, Ameriprise Study

Our clients at Ameriprise recently released the results of a study we conducted with them about American couples and how they’re thinking of money in retirement.

Our research shows couples trust one another and share the same dreams for retirement, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve mutually agreed on how they’ll spend, save and give away their money when the time comes.

Specific findings include the following:

  • American investors in committed relationships overwhelmingly trust their spouses or partners on money matters (95%) and share similar goals for retirement (93%)
  • 94% of couples agree they are honest and transparent with one another about finances, and a similar percentage (91%) say they share the same financial values
  • Nearly one-quarter (24%) of those surveyed say they haven’t come to an agreement on how much money they will need to save for retirement — or how much they should spend on children and grandchildren

Download the entire report [PDF] for more insights.

For more of our work with Ameriprise, see the results of this 2022 study on generational wealth and this study from earlier this year that includes financial tips from millionaires.