Business travel boosts travelers' creativity and productivity -- CWT infographic

Business Traveler Creativity and Productivity Stimulated During Travel, According to CWT Study

Our recent study for client CWT, in which we measured business traveler creativity and productivity, was recently published. The research revealed that business travel stimulates creativity and productivity, especially among Millennials.

Detailed findings include the following:

  • Six in ten travelers feel more creative and productive when traveling for business.
  • Millenials in the Americas are more likely to say that they are more creative and productive when traveling for business, as compared to Millenials in Asia Pacific and Europe.
  • Six in ten travelers are most productive when working face-to-face and collaborating with colleagues as opposed to working alone or remotely.

Learn more by visiting CWT’s announcement on their website. Our recent studies on business traveler preferences, values, and concerns for CWT include insights on booking business travel, hotel safety, ground transportation and data security.