Ameriprise retirement profiles

Ameriprise Retirement Profiles

Our client Ameriprise recently published segmentation research we did to profile different personalities in retirement. After surveying more than 2,000 Americans close to retirement to identify shared characteristics and priorities, we came up with five unique profiles:

  • Nurturers account for 24% of Americans aged 50–70 and are focusing on supporting and spending time with friends and family as well as charitable giving
  • Doers cover 10% of the group we surveyed and value action and staying busy by making a difference, learning, and gaining new experiences.
  • Creators are 16% of respondents and plan to use their retirement to explore passions, projects, and hobbies.
  • Connectors make up 20% of the group and want to spend time on new and existing relationships as well as exploring new cultures.
  • Explorers are the biggest group of near retirees at 30% and are ready to invest in experiences, particularly travel.

Take the quiz on the Ameriprise site to see which you most identify with. Results include financial considerations for each profile in retirement as well as other ways to prepare for life based on each profile.

For more of our work with Ameriprise, check out the Couples, Money & Retirement study we posted about earlier this year.