In the Netflix original series “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”, the main character is creating a new life for herself in New York City after having been kidnapped and held underground for 15 years by Reverend Richard Wayne Gary Wayne. Many of the show’s laughable moments come from both Kimmy’s use of outdated slang and her fumbling […]
Most marketers want to earn trust, engage with market influencers, build credibility, raise awareness of their company or brand, and expand their market. Effective thought leadership programs help you do all these things, and primary research is a great foundation upon which to build a program. We like to think in terms of three buckets […]
Most Americans underestimate how long they’ll live. As a result, many people face the possibility of running out of retirement savings before they die, which can impact their quality of life while they live.
Partner Dave Richardson explains why myRA–the new savings account that President Obama announced during this year’s State of the Union speech–was built to make it easy for starter savers to set aside a small amount of money at a time in a safe place.
We’ve helped leading organizations identify, develop and apply transformative ideas that fit into their existing capabilities and help them achieve their goals. Take a look at a few of our success stories.
Our consumer society is changing the way it allocates responsibility in a variety of realms. The proportion of Americans covered by a defined benefits plan has declined, and most need to take more personal responsibility for setting aside retirement savings.
Consumers use and expect technology tools to address the full range of their financial needs. These tools factor into our financial research that focuses on strategies to improve the financial literacy and balance sheets of all Americans.
An interesting transition in generational retirement planning: generations at opposite ends of the spectrum seek financial independence, but use very different approaches to get there.
What makes the archer an appealing archetype? Katniss of the Hunger Games branded herself as an archer–and so did we.