We’re excited to share the results of our Life Priorities Assessment study with our clients and friends.
Why do we conduct this research? We often touch on these topics in work we do with clients, and we find that conducting our own studies, as we have for past decade, gives us the freedom to explore what motivates people more holistically, providing a fuller context for understanding decision-making.
We’re taking this study deeper than we have in previous MAP studies. This year we identify how people are faring on their overall goals, what they spend their time and energy on, what their primary concerns and challenges are and what most contributes to their happiness.
Key Findings
Financial, physical and emotional health are inextricably connected. In this new study relationships emerge as being critical to one’s well-being and happiness.
The health and well-being of family is the top ranked contributor to happiness, followed by personal relationships. Building financial security is a looming force that has a powerful impact on both physical and emotional health. Importantly, a loss of financial control can negatively impact personal relationships

New Mind-Body-Wallet Index
We’ve created a new Mind-Body-Wallet Index that classifies Americans into three categories based on key components of well-being. Our goal with this index is to provide insight into some of the underlying issues as well as the cumulative impact and reverberation of financial stress on health and relationships.

Why is this research important?
Social interaction and relationships matter. Community matters. Those with financial insecurity can thrive but they need secure physical and emotional health. Likewise, those with mental and/or physical health challenges can manage better if they have a secure financial situation. For those facing multiple challenges to well-being, community ties are strongly linked to improved outcomes.
Ultimately, we hope this research will provide insight into some of the underlying issues as well as the cumulative impact and reverberation of financial stress on health and relationships. We plan to track this information over time, exploring the impact of potential policy solutions and other initiatives.
This study is rich with information. Find the full report here [PDF].
Next Up
This report is the first in a series. Be on the lookout for the following analyses:
- Financial Deep Dive
- Public Health and Implications
- The Impact of Caregiving on Health, Wealth and Happiness
- Generational and Gender Insights
For more information please contact one of our partners: Anne Aldrich (aaldrich AT artemissg DOT com) or Christine LePottier (clepottier AT artemissg DOT com).